Peachy Presents: Katia

influencer rollerskating socks

This week we got a chance to interview the beautiful @katiaaskates who is an amazing roller-skater and yoga devotee.  

Where did you learn to skate so well?
I bought a pair of skates one day and practiced almost every day with the help of YouTube and Instagram until I started to get it! I also learned a lot when I started meeting with people from the community, skating together and sharing tips.

What do you do outside of skating?
I love practicing yoga daily and for my day job, I work as a science technician at a secondary school and sixth form.

How did you meet your skating trio partners?
We all ended up following each other on Instagram and I eventually met both Paris and Flora at Hyde Park in London with the skate community there. On this same day, we came up with our first ever skate dance challenge!

Where do you get your style from?
I just like to jam in skates in a way that makes me feel good, happy and carefree. I like to enjoy the process of improving and learning new moves and through practice, I discovered my skate style.

What do you do for fun?
I enjoy playing on my Nintendo switch (animal crossing is my favourite!) as well as board games/family games. I love a good escape room and immersive games and activities. I love spending time in nature, going on walks. I also spend as much free time as I have bingeing T.V series.

On your IG it says you do yoga everyday, how did that start and what's your favorite yoga pose?
I have had lower back pain for years now and I’m not nearly as flexible as I once was. I decided at the start of this year to begin daily yoga to improve the way I feel and move in my body and it’s been so amazing so far. My favourite yoga pose is probably Warrior Pose and all it’s variations, it targets so many different areas of the body at once and feels incredible!

What's your dream job?
I don’t actually know what my dream job would be. I would just want a job that I enjoy doing, where I will be happy and excited to be at work. Roller skating full time sounds like it would be amazing though haha!

Katia's Peachy Socks Picks: 

We hope you enjoyed our chat with @katiaaskates, follow her on Instagram for great yoga and skate content! 

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